Foods and Supplements for Your Health

Foods and Supplements for Your Health   As a holistic nutritional coach I always look at the food as the medicine for your body. Unfortunately the food we eat often doesn’t have enough nutrition value and we need to enhance it with added vitamins and supplements...

Healthy Food in Your Diet

Healthy Food in Your Diet   Remember when your love for food was healthy? You would eat a meal and feel good about yourself, your looks and energy. Nowadays, it can feel like you are trading in one craving for another. Everything is sugar-sweetened,...

Holistic Nutrition: Benefits for your Mind, Body and Spirit

Holistic Nutrition: Benefits for your Mind, Body and Spirit   We live in a time when the food that we eat is rarely natural. The supermarkets are filled with processed, unhealthy food and our kids are taught from a young age that the taste of the food is all that...

Nutritional Coaching for Balanced Life

Nutritional Coaching for Balanced Life   Traditional Nutritional Coaching is designed to give you freedom from illness, disease, injury or pain. Working with mindful nutrition coach Inga Tara however, takes a holistic approach to nutritional coaching. Her process...