Healthy Relationships

Love Without Limits: Care for a Caregiver Workshop

Do you feel like there are too many issues to “fix” or that your life could never be easy or fun? Stuck in bad relationships?
Surrounded by continuous drama and conflict? Struggle with self-judgement and self-doubt? Always being taken advantage of? Constantly feel stressed and tired? Unable to make positive changes in your life?

When we see a friend or even a stranger in crisis or pain, most of us are pretty good at extending our compassion. But when we ourselves are suffering, too often we neglect to give the same kindness to ourselves. Even people who’ve had years of practice with meditation, therapy, and self-improvement still struggle with the most important relationship we have—our relationship with ourselves.

In this Love Without Limits: Care for the Caregiver workshop, presented by Happy Life, Healthy Love coach Inga Tara you’ll learn a completely new approach to love and happiness.

Healthy Relationships

In this 1-hour introductory class you will:

  • Explore the miracle of self-love, self-acceptance and self-compassion
  • Recognize your heart’s desires and a need for good self-care
  • Learn practical tools, exclusive techniques and special heart-opening exercises
  • Learn 10 Steps in Learning to Love Yourself
  • Create daily practices for physical, mental, emotional and spiritual wellbeing
  • Participate in a group Guided Meditation to experience love in its full expression

When you practice self-care, self-love and self-acceptance, you experience a miracle that your life starts to improve. When we accept ourselves, we become more courageous and capable of doing good in the world.


“The trance session was my favorite part of the workshop. I was first introduced to hypnotherapy as a child. I know that it gives great benefit to me. I am at a point in my life where I need help relaxing, managing the stress and taking better care of myself. This introduction to the insides and therapist were great”.

Annie D.

Spring Cleaning of Your Medicine Cabinet

Join Love and Relationship Coach Inga Tara as she helps you discover holistic tools to create better health and wellness, improve your immune system, release stress and tensions, and relax and rejuvenate your mind, body, and spirit in this fun and hands-on 1.5-hour class.

Healthy Relationships

Here is what you will learn in this class:


  • Explore vitamins and supplements and discover how to use each to promote better health and wellness for yourself and your family.
  • Take home a handout with a complete list of the vitamins and supplements to include in your cabinet.
  • Understand what essential oils are and how they work through the olfactory system.
  • Learn about eight ways of everyday uses of essential oils for various ailments.
  • You will learn to clear the unhealthy items from your house and medicine cabinet and what to replace them with.
  • Participate in a hands-on experience of making your own cleaning supplies and healthy products for your medicine cabinet.

“I am a firm believer that the mind controls our body and that we can tell our mind to do almost anything. I believe in the saying: “If you can conceive it, if you believe it, you can achieve it”. I enjoy your class so much. Your voice is so beautiful and soothing. You make learning so easy for us to learn so many interesting things. Thank you for all your help and for being you!”

Henry N.

Holistic Health: Pain Management Workshop

Has physical pain caused you to put your life on hold? Is the quality of your life suffering? Do you feel like you’ve tried everything, and nothing brings relief? Do you feel cut off from loved ones or pleasurable activities?

What if relief was as simple as laying back into a comfortable position, breathing deeply and slowly, allowing your body to experience deep relaxation, and using mindfulness to become pain-free and healthy? Sound too good to be true?

In this Holistic Pain Management workshop, I will teach you how to use your imagination as a beneficial tool that heals and puts you at ease rather than as a negative self-talking mechanism constantly working against you.

Healthy Relationships

During this 1.5-hour class, you have an opportunity to:

  • Learn tools and techniques to help manage pain at home and on the go.
  • Understand and heal negative patterns and emotions that promote pain.
  • Participate in group Healing Visualization and Guided Meditation.

This workshop is excellent for all pain levels, from minor aches and pains to severe chronic pain.

The mind is a very powerful tool. It can influence your emotions, logic, and actions and even affect your physical experiences. Guided Imagery and Meditation have been successfully used as psychological treatments for managing symptoms and causes of various illnesses throughout history. In this workshop, subconscious suggestions will enhance deep relaxation and help alleviate pain and other physical discomforts to drastically improve your quality of life.


“I have a chronic migraine. After this workshop I would like to try the guided imagery first before doing the botox therapy recommended by Mayo neurologist”.
Clair S.

Mindful Relationship Workshop: 5 Secrets to Better Communication

Are you struggling to communicate effectively with your partner? Have you ever wished that you and your partner could understand each other better? Wishing you knew a better way to talk through even the most difficult topics? Do you find that sometimes a conversation quickly becomes an argument and then evolves into a full-blown fight before you know it?

This in-depth 1.5-hour workshop is designed to teach you a step-by-step process to having effective conversations, help you learn to become more mindful in your interactions with your partner, and discover how to embrace and implement the 5 Secrets to a Better Communication.

Healthy Relationships

This workshop allows you to:

  • Learn physical, emotional, linguistic and energetic practices for transforming your relationship.
  • Transform negative habits and impulsive reactions into resources for self-healing and mindful relationship building.
  • Have an opportunity to put those secrets into practice DURING the workshop, making them even easier to implement immediately at home.
  • Learn how to embrace and implement the 5 Secrets to a Better Communication.
  • Participate in group Visualization and Guided Meditation.

“This workshop opened my mind to new possibilities to enhance my current life and relationship. The actual guided imagery state was amazingly deep and relaxing. I could have stayed in that state longer. I will think about how to implement this knowledge!”

Charlotte B.

Full Love Life Project: Give Yourself to Love Workshop

Are you single and looking to find your ideal partner? Do you want to turn a good relationship into a great relationship? Are you at the beginning of a relationship and would like to create a strong foundation and avoid frustrations you may have experienced in the past?

Full Love Life Project is a collaboration between Inga Tara and Tami Sharp. Our Give Yourself to Love workshop is designed to help you discover holistic tools to create fulfilling relationships, pursue your passions, and set powerful intentions while relaxing and rejuvenating your mind, body, and spirit.

Healthy Relationships

Here is what you will get in this workshop:


  • Explore 4 Simple Steps to Love. Discover how to use each one to fulfill your dreams.
  • A new understanding of what relationships and love are really all about.
  • Identify and release the fear-based belief systems and limitations holding you back in your current relationship model.
  • You will discover why you haven’t been able to consistently create what you desire, and you will learn how to manifest what you want.
  • You will clear your path to creating the relationship of your dreams. You’ll call in love to your life. You’ll be able to release and let go of past relationships weighing you down.
  • Participate in a group Guided Meditation to create your Full Love Life.

Click to Purchase Give Yourself to Love Workshop MP3 for $27.00

“My favorite part of the workshop was learning how your emotions affect your body aches and the energy chart. It was very useful class. I recognized that I need to learn to let go of many different emotions, learn to love myself and set boundaries. I understand now how guided imagery and hypnotherapy can help with these”.
Suzy F.

Mindfulness and Stress Management Workshop

We live in a busy world, and often neglect to take care of ourselves. In this workshop, you will learn relaxation and stress release techniques to keep your body and mind at peace.

Stress is created by your thoughts and anticipation of what your mind believes will happen next. Guided Imagery for stress helps your mind perceive situations differently, which will reduce stress and make you feel better, healthier, and happier. It brings us back to balance and creates the ‘relaxation response’ to rejuvenate and re-energize. Calm and centered, your body and mind are renewed.

Healthy Relationships

This workshop offers help if you are:

  • Finding yourself exhausted a lot of the time, feeling depressed or “burned out”.
  • Experiencing some physical or mental health issues due to stress.
  • Feeling like life is handling you instead of you handling life.
  • Feeling as if you are under an immense pressure or weight.
  • Feeling like you are not performing at the peak of your abilities.
  • Feeling as if your life goes on without you.
  • Having relationship issues because you cannot fully be there for others in your life.

Becoming mindful through meditation can help you manage stress. Mediation is a simple technique that could be practiced for as few as 10 minutes each day. People who practice meditation regularly report feeling less stressed and more emotionally balanced. According to neuroscientists, as you meditate, your brain physically changes, even though you’re not aware of its re-shaping, evidencing that meditation serves as a realistic and maintainable stress management technique.

“The guided imagery is a great tool for healing on all levels – physical, mental and spiritual. It was a great presentation, very informative. You did a great job. This class helped me relax and release stress.”
Janice P.

Healthy Body: Weight Management Workshop

Permanent weight loss requires more than eating healthy and exercising. For many, it requires addressing internal issues that are not resolved with typical weight loss plans or diets.

Some factors that affect weight gain and weight loss include stress, emotional eating, self-worth, beliefs, fears, habits and the associations that we have with food. Learning to become mindful with your body will help release excess weight and create optimal health for a lifetime. Learn how guided imagery, visualizations, positive affirmations, and making fundamentally healthier nutritional choices can be simple and motivate you to achieve your ideal weight and body image.

Healthy Relationships

This workshop is designed to teach you how to:

  • Create new, positive behaviors.
  • Learn healthy nutritional habits and exercise tips.
  • Increase your metabolism by changing your subconscious programming.
  • Create personalized affirmations to aid in achieving your weight goals.
  • Form a healthy self-image that guides you to your goal weight and allows you to live a happy, more fulfilling life.

Open up your MIND POWER to help control the major stress factors that cause weight gain. Now you CAN lose the weight and keep it off for life. Let us show you how to tap in and use the power of your mind to make a lasting difference in your health and weight.

“Your seminar was very informative and made me aware of several things I was not aware of or had focused on. The guided imagery session was very relaxing and I believe it would be helpful on reaching my weight goals”.
Mike R.

Past Life Regression Workshop

Have you ever wondered who you were in a past life? Do you want to walk a path of personal growth and healing? Do you want to know how you can heal from emotional abuse and trauma by remembering your past life?

Past Life Regression is a technique that utilizes hypnosis in order to recover memories of our past lives.

Healthy Relationships

This workshop allows you to:

  • Discover remarkable details about your past lives.
  • Understand and align with your purpose in life.
  • Release fears, phobias, and anxieties that have no apparent cause.
  • Uncover latent past life abilities and talents and bring them to present life.
  • Understand and heal negative patterns in personal relationships.
  • Find out about your soul mates and soul companions;
  • Receive spiritual guidance and direction.
  • Participate in group Healing Visualization and Guided Meditation.
“Very interesting things. I was extremely skeptical. Now, I am more open and curious :D. Look forward to learning more about it. I would love to do a one-on-one session”.
Stephanie V.

Love yourself. Accept yourself. Be happy.