Cancel-Cancel Technique to Erase Negative Thoughts

Cancel-Cancel Technique To Erase Negative Thoughts   I often get questions from clients about what to do when they have all the worries and negative thoughts coming to mind, and I recommend this process to them. For example, the Cancel-Cancel Technique interrupts...

Remove the Stress of the Day

Remove the Stress of the Day   We all have experienced an emotionally upsetting or stressful days. The accumulated emotions of those days spoil the mood of the evening, prevent us from easily falling asleep, affect the quality of sleep and the following morning....

Practice “Labyrinth”

Practice “Labyrinth”   Have you ever felt like you are living a Groundhog Day? That the world around seemed frozen and every day is like the previous one? That nothing new happens in life, and all the problems that you have tried to solve remain unresolved?...

How to Clear Emotional Residue

How to Clear Emotional Residue   I think that nobody need an explanation of the term such an emotional residue. Everyone is surely familiar with this achingly-scraping sensation in the chest area, internal emptiness and depression, headache and a loss of...

Healing Heart & Body with Gratitude & Appreciation

Healing Heart & Body with Gratitude & Appreciation   Thanksgiving is the ideal time of year to count your blessings. Gratitude is one of the most enlightened mind states to cultivate and engage in. What is gratitude? Gratitude is about being grateful and...

Holistic Nutrition: Benefits for your Mind, Body and Spirit

Holistic Nutrition: Benefits for your Mind, Body and Spirit   We live in a time when the food that we eat is rarely natural. The supermarkets are filled with processed, unhealthy food and our kids are taught from a young age that the taste of the food is all that...