Pill-Free Pain Relief

Pill-Free Pain Relief Desire pain relief without the pharmaceuticals? This article is for you! I highly recommend hypnosis, guided imagery, meditation, yoga Nidra, energy work like Reiki or polarity, yoga, holistic nutrition, supplements, essential oils, acupuncture...

The Power of Forgiveness

The Power of Forgiveness Not ready to forgive them, yet? I truly understand this feeling. Forgiveness is not easy. When someone hurts you, holding anger, resentment and thoughts of revenge towards them often feels like getting even. Unfortunately, this hurts you more...

Emotional Health = Physical Health

Emotional Health Impacts Your Physical Health Did a taxing day turn into a migraine? Do you ever get so angry your hands shake? I feel you – unregulated emotions can be overwhelming. But, here’s the thing. Physical manifestations of mental states are not a...

Foods and Supplements for Your Health

Foods and Supplements for Your Health   As a holistic nutritional coach I always look at the food as the medicine for your body. Unfortunately the food we eat often doesn’t have enough nutrition value and we need to enhance it with added vitamins and supplements...

Cancel-Cancel Technique to Erase Negative Thoughts

Cancel-Cancel Technique To Erase Negative Thoughts   I often get questions from clients about what to do when they have all the worries and negative thoughts coming to mind, and I recommend this process to them. For example, the Cancel-Cancel Technique interrupts...

Mental Detox for Health & Happiness

Mental Detox for Health and Happiness   A healthy diet and exercise practically always lead to a longer and healthier life. However, we are more than a physical body. If you just treat the physical body, you are leaving out the other parts of your human being –...