Healthy Relationships

What Is the Ancient Mystery School of Destiny and Love Cards?


Numerology, Astrology, and the Science of the Cards are the universal language of numbers based on mathematical principles. By using numbers, the birthdays of individuals, and the numerics of our calendar to decode Universal information, we can understand the nuances of life itself, as well as the experience of each individual. This system can be used to look forward and predict elements of the future to help each person better prepare themselves to make the most of their circumstances.

The cards were created to be a symbolic representation of the cycles that govern the world in which we live.

The belief is that the cards originated over 20,000 years ago in Atlantis and that the priests used them in the temples for astronomical and astrological calculations and research. For more information about the origins and history of this system, read “The Mystic Test Book” by Olney Richmond and “Cards of Your Destiny” and Love Cards by Robert Lee Camp.


How Can Cards Help You Improve Your Life?


Imagine what it feels like to have freedom from worries and anxiety about the potential events of the upcoming year, uncertainties about compatibility with your partner, and information about your finances and business opportunities. Instead, be confident you can tackle anything the Universe throws your way. The answer is “great.”

This ancient esoteric system can get very specific by mentioning when events will occur, often right down to the exact day, who will be involved, naming them by birthday, and the precise nature of the events as they relate to the individual.

Cards of Your Destiny has a complete record of your entire life with detailed information about every month and year of your life.
In Love Cards, you will find specific personal information about you and everyone you know or will meet. It also tells you exactly how compatible you are with everyone you meet or know and how you relate to the closest people in your life.


Destiny and Love Cards Report is The Answer.


Destiny Cards reports helping people better understand their lives, relationships, and the year ahead of them and develop a greater sense of self-acceptance from this knowledge. As a result, you can relieve much of your life stress from an inner conflict.

Because I know this Ancient Mystery School’s power and insanely spot-on accuracy, I create a yearly report for myself every year on my birthday. How else can I know how the cosmos are divinely converging and collaborating for my highest good?


You’ll be able to:


  • Discover many essential things about yourself to help you understand your place, life’s path, and purpose.
  • Look into your past, present, and future and the cycles of your life.
  • Understand your relationships in-depth.
  • Understand your Karma in every crucial area of your life, both positive and negative.
  • Know what is coming before it happens, and see what influences are at work in your life NOW.
  • Recognize the most critical lessons you’ll learn this year, your deepest inner longings, and your most pressing needs.
  • Find the best (and less ideal) times to start a new business or seek a new job, find a love relationship, and experience greater financial success.
  • And MORE!



Additional Yearly Relationship, Find Money and Success and Find Love reports are available by special request.

Contact Inga here to order directly.


Destiny Cards Personal Yearly Report


Healthy RelationshipsDiscover the power of your birth date with our Personal Destiny Cards Yearly Report. Gain valuable insights into the year ahead and forecast your future with precision. Our report includes two spreads, the Birth card, and the Planetary Ruling card, providing a comprehensive understanding of the events and opportunities that await you.

These reports from the Book of Destiny and Love Cards Reporter software programs are great for personal use or birthday presents.

Experience the transformative benefits of this report by providing us with your birthday Date and the birthday Year you’d like the report to begin.

The report always starts on your date of birth, even though your birthday for the current year might have happened last year. The report will be emailed to you within 24 hours.

Approximately 30 – 35 pages.

To see what a sample report looks like, click HERE.


One Yearly Report $24.95   Buy Now

Two Yearly Reports $44.90 ($5 off!)   Buy Now


Love Cards Relationship Report


Healthy RelationshipsUsing the power of your birth date, unlock the secrets of your personal relationships with our Love Cards Relationship Report. This comprehensive report delves deep into the five to seven most significant connections between you and your partner, providing interpretations of your Birth, Planetary Ruling, and Karma Cards.

Our Love Cards Reporter software creates a personalized book that offers detailed descriptions and empowering affirmations for each connection. It enables you to profoundly understand your relationship and maximize its potential. Whether for personal use or as a thoughtful birthday gift, this report will astound with its remarkable accuracy.


Choose from a range of relationship reports, each promising substantial benefits:

  • Intimate Relationship Report: Uncover the hidden dynamics in your romantic partnership or marriage.
  • Friends and Family Relationship Report: Explore the depths of your non-sexual relationships, including friends and family members.
  • Business Relationship Report: Discover the potential of your professional collaborations and unlock new opportunities.

These reports deliver remarkable outcomes and emphasize the efforts required to achieve them. Get ready to embark on a transformative journey as you take proactive steps towards building stronger connections.

Please provide names, birthdays, and a category of relationships for the people involved. The report will be delivered to you via email within 24 hours.

Approximately 20 – 22 pages

To see what a sample report looks like, click HERE.


One Love Cards Relationship Report $24.95   Buy Now

Two Love Cards Relationship Reports $44.90 ($5 off!)   Buy Now



Destiny Cards Life Time Report


Healthy RelationshipsDiscover your Personal Destiny Cards Life Time Report based on your birth date and unlock a roadmap to your future.

Gain insights into your Birth Card and Planetary Ruling Card and a detailed description of each card in the life spread for the next 13 years. Get ready to embark on a journey of self-discovery and empowerment. Plus, learn about auspicious events and opportunities for the next 20 years, starting from your current year.

This Book of Destiny software program report is excellent for personal use or birthday presents. Simply provide us with your birthday Date and the birthday Year you want the report to begin, and let us guide you toward a life filled with purpose and fulfillment.

Please provide your Date of Birth. If your birthday falls on the 21st to 23rd date of the month, please provide your astrological Sun sign.

The report will be emailed to you within 24 hours.

Approximately 30 – 36 pages.

To see what a sample report looks like, click HERE.


One Destiny Cards Life Report $29.95   Buy Now