Self-Sabotage in Relationships: Women Who Struggle to Find Love

Self-sabotage in relationships
Hi! I’m Inga

I am passionate about helping women transform their mindsets and embrace self-worth, overcome the barriers that hinder their ability to become their best versions, and establish loving relationships with their partners, themselves, and others.

8 Types of Women Who Struggle to Find Love (And How to Overcome It)

Loneliness is a profound and often hidden challenge that many women face in their pursuit of love. Despite their best efforts – whether through cultivating an attractive appearance, achieving a high intellectual level, or excelling in their careers – many women find it difficult to build the strong, lasting relationships they desire.

Women’s relationship problems are complex, and the answer to “Why is everything so unfair?” is never simple. Often, the root cause lies in self-sabotage in relationships, misconceptions about love, and the roles women believe they should play in relationships.

Self-Sabotage in Relationships: Understanding the Roots of Loneliness

If you haven’t read my post about women’s loneliness, it provides insights into why loneliness often stems from misconceptions about love and relationships.

Loneliness often results from distorted perceptions of relationships and unrealistic expectations fueled by idealized depictions of love in the media. Over time, this mismatch between expectation and reality can lead to disappointment, eroding a woman’s self-esteem and making it harder for her to connect meaningfully with others.

Many women face the question: “Why am I so unlucky in life?” This introspection, though painful, is crucial for identifying the relationship patterns that keep them from finding the love they seek.

Now, let’s dive deeper into understanding the types of women who might find it challenging to build a lasting healthy relationship.

1. Women with Tendencies for Self-Sacrifice

Generally, they lived through a deficit of love and attention in their childhood when their emotional needs were either unsatisfied or forcefully suppressed.

When they grew up, they began to compensate for their unmet needs by expressing care for someone else, especially a man who had a difficult past and needed help and being taken care of.

Their mission is to save, but this self-sabotage in relationships often leaves them feeling unfulfilled.

2. The Martyr

These women are prepared to take on more than fifty percent of the fault and responsibility in any relationship.

They have very low self-worth, and deep inside their hearts, they don’t believe they deserve happiness. More likely, they are ready to believe that they must still earn the right to enjoy life.

This mindset can make it difficult to form healthy, balanced relationships.

3. The Controller

These women have an exceptionally strong need to always “hold the remote”- to control their men’s behaviors, feelings, and thoughts.

They stand on guard of their relationship like soldiers since, in their childhood, they lived in an unreliable, unstable, and unprotected atmosphere. Now, they are subconsciously trying to compensate for this.

Such women have a mania to help everyone and everywhere to obtain the feeling that they’re needed and even irreplaceable. Their constant need to be in control can push potential partners away, leaving them lonely and frustrated.

4. The Dreamer

Theme women spend more time in the pink clouds of their dreams and illusions than in reality. What matters to them in a relationship is how it should be, not how it is: they dream more than they live.

Generally, these women are not attracted by kind, stable, secure men who express interest in them. They find these men cute but dull and boring. 

Attracted to the idea of a perfect partner rather than appreciating what’s in front of them, they often miss out on real opportunities for love as they continually seek an ideal that doesn’t exist.

5. The Drama Queen

Like magnets, they gravitate towards people with problems, difficult characters, and extravagant displays.

These women like situations where chaos rules, along with instability and emotional suffering. They may have a tendency towards depression, which they try to prevent by entering unstable, “wild,” and dramatic relationships.

All this mess happens mainly because of their prosaic reluctance to accept responsibility – even for their own lives. Their tendency towards toxic relationship patterns often leads to repeated cycles of heartbreak and disappointment.

6. The Amazon

They are warriors, distrustful, always alert, and always ready to fight back. They see enemies, scumbags, and liars everywhere.

The aura of these women is harsh and sharp, and men usually see them as competitors rather than potential partners.

While independence is a strength, their distrustful nature and competitive stance can make them seem unapproachable, and this emotional wall often prevents them from forming deep, meaningful connections.

7. The Queen

They have a feeling of unquestionable superiority. Their view of others (especially men) is pejorative and derogatory.

Overall, their pride and narcissism are over the top. These women “mold” their men into minions or slaves and refuse to ever recognize them as equals.

8. The Almost Saint

Similar to the Queen, but with a spiritual twist, these women believe they are morally superior. These women do not consider themselves above or smarter than others but just kinder and cleaner.

They choke up at signs of lying, tremble at anything dirty, and, overall, the flaws of the world bring them a lot of pain.

Their inability to tolerate the imperfections of others can make them lonely as they struggle to find anyone who meets their lofty standards.

Building Self-Worth and Finding Love

Although many women may find themselves identifying with more than one of these types, the key to overcoming these challenges is self-awareness and a willingness to grow. 

Yes, an honest and unbiased view of yourself and becoming mindful of your choices and actions are necessary. That is the first step to realizing the reasons and roots of your self-sabotage in relationships and your relationship problems.

Take an honest look at yourself through the lens of a potential partner. Do you like what you see? If not, then how will a man like what he sees? In order to attract the ideal person in your life, you must first become that person yourself!

Learn to love yourself, to like yourself, to be yourself.

Remember, you are unique and beautiful, the one and only, the lovable and desired one in this world, and you deserve love.

By embracing who you are and working on areas for growth, you open the door to healthier, more fulfilling relationships.

Take a deep look into your heart and soul. What do you see there? What will your dream partner see there? The answer lies within you, dear women.

Schedule a free discovery call with me to learn how to love yourself and overcome your loneliness.

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