Hypnotherapy Explained: Myths, Benefits, and How It Works

Hypnotherapy Explained: Myths, Benefits, and How It Works
Hi! I’m Inga

I am passionate about helping women transform their mindsets and embrace self-worth, overcome the barriers that hinder their ability to become their best versions, and establish loving relationships with their partners, themselves, and others.

Hypnosis Explained: Myths, Benefits, and How It Works

As a clinical hypnotherapist in Scottsdale, I work with people’s subconscious minds and always have to educate them about hypnotherapy.

So, today’s post will hopefully answer the most common questions about hypnosis, have some hypnosis myths debunked, and clarify misconceptions about it.

1. What is hypnosis?

Hypnosis, also known as guided imagery, is a natural, pleasant, voluntary state of relaxed, attentive concentration, an altered state of consciousness, during which the conscious critical mind is relaxed and relatively inactive, and the doorway to the subconscious, inner mind opens up with a person’s permission.

In this comfortable state, suggestibility increases, mental absorption deepens, the senses are heightened, and the imagination is activated in a controlled manner. As a result, the inner mind becomes more open to beneficial and acceptable suggestions.

2. Is hypnosis safe?

Absolutely! Hypnosis is a safe practice.

The process of inducing hypnosis occurs naturally, and there has never been a documented case of harm resulting from hypnosis. Similarly, there has never been an instance where someone has been unable to come out of hypnosis.

3. Can a person be hypnotized against their will?

No. No one can hypnotize you against your will.

Hypnosis requires a willing participant, and the hypnotherapist must have your full cooperation.

4. Do people do things under hypnosis that are against their morals or values?

People who are hypnotized will not do anything in hypnosis that they would not do in the waking state. Hypnosis cannot detach the ego.

When you are in hypnosis, you are aware of everything that is going on, and you continue to retain your values and morals.

As a general rule, if a client were given a suggestion they disagreed with, they would simply refuse, laugh at it, or awaken from hypnosis.

Hypnosis is a cooperative and collaborative relationship, and you, the subject, retain full control and responsibility for your actions at all times.

5. Does hypnosis weaken the mind?

Hypnosis does NOT weaken the mind. On the contrary, it helps people tap into more of their mental potential and access their inner strength.

The subconscious mind is protective. Hypnotized people will accept acceptable suggestions and reject suggestions that are not acceptable. Suggestions must be worded in a form and language that the subconscious can understand.

6. Do people under hypnosis go to sleep or become unconscious?

No. The person should not expect to go to sleep.

Hypnosis is a state of hyper-awareness that feels like complete physical and mental relaxation. An individual is completely aware of everything that is occurring in the surrounding environment, as well as what is happening in the inner mind.

Hypnosis is a state of consciousness located somewhere between awake and asleep.

7. Who can be hypnotized?

Anyone who can pay attention and follow instructions can be hypnotized if they want to be. Insusceptible people are simply not willing.

There is a positive correlation between a person’s willingness to relax and concentrate and their ability to undergo hypnosis. However, the depth to which individuals can be hypnotized may vary.

8. How does hypnosis work?

Once the hypnotic state is induced and the doorway to the subconscious mind is opened, with your permission, the competent hypnotherapist can provide information in a language and form that the subconscious can accept to help you change the behaviors, feelings, and thoughts that you want to change.

We utilize the fact that the subconscious mind has the ability (actually the tendency) to accept what it imagines as real. This can greatly reduce the stress of changing unhealthy habits to healthier habits.

9. What are some of the benefits of hypnosis?

There are many benefits of hypnosis therapy and uses for hypnosis. To mention but a few of the more common uses:

  • Hypnotherapy for stress management:
    • Inducing relaxation
    • Reducing tension and stress
    • Reducing and managing anxiety
    • Treating depression
  • Enhancing self-confidence
  • Overcoming codependency in relationships
  • Controlling mood swings
  • Modifying or changing harmful habits
  • Stopping smoking
  • Weight loss through changing eating and lifestyle habits
  • Eliminating fears or phobias
  • Improving concentration and memory
  • Enhancing study habits
  • Developing natural abilities
  • Relieving insomnia
  • Hypnosis for pain relief:
    • Reducing pain
    • Providing comfort in dentistry
    • Assisting with childbirth
    • Preparing for surgery or other medical procedures

10. What is self-hypnosis?

Self-hypnosis refers to the process of inducing hypnosis on oneself without the need for a hypnotist.

Some experts say that all hypnosis is self-hypnosis since the hypnotist is, in actuality, not doing anything to the subject but rather guiding the subject into the hypnotic state of consciousness with the subject’s permission.

Because the subject permits it to happen, he is really hypnotizing himself with the assistance of the hypnotist.

The primary benefit of learning and practicing self-hypnosis techniques is to initiate and sustain positive self-change. Regular practice of self-hypnosis techniques promotes the ongoing development of healthy changes in behaviors, emotions, beliefs, and attitudes.

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