Spiritual Healing: Cutting Cords

and Reconnecting with Your Higher Self

As you get further down the road of spiritual healing, you will find out that it is sometimes easier for you to develop a connection with your “inner self” rather than with other people. Yet at the same time, it will be easier to communicate clearly with others as well.

This advanced communication will allow you to understand your connection with everything in existence on a deeper level.

Many things have been said about us being an energy beings and the importance of concentrating your own energy. I talk about it with my clients all the time and teach some basic knowledge about energy in every class. I give it so much attention in order to prepare you for this connection. By concentrating your own energy, you can experience interconnection with everything around you, while not losing yourself in the process.

Frequently, a strong emotional dependency can prohibit a person from distancing itself from another person emotionally or from processing loss. This dependency often leads to merging within a relationship, which makes them tense and can bring them to an end. Therefore, this method is useful for couples in love who started to feel that they began to emotionally depend on each other, get into conflicts and so on. It is also useful for married couples who are ready for divorce or are currently suffering through one. In either case, the emotional independence and the feeling of freedom in the relationship always create a feeling of harmony in the couple and allow them to maintain balance in their relationship. This method could be also used in working on the children-parenthood relationships if for some reason the separation process (meaning coming of age and emotionally separating the child from the parents) is difficult.

The Process of Emotional Separation

Find a calm, quiet place where you can dive into yourself for 15-20 minutes in order to go through this process.

Take a couple deep breaths, relax and throw away distracting thoughts.

Healthy Relationships

Imagine that your contacts are a spider web. You are in the center of this web.

Feel every cord, meaning every connection with a specific person. Try to see how strong it is. Do you really need this cord? Or does it come at a price? Is it difficult to bear? Does it prevent you from reaching your goals and overall does not bring anything good into the common web?

As soon as you discover the connections that you do not need, cut them off in your head. And then redirect the energy that was concentrated in them to strengthen the remaining connections, which will uncover new possibilities in front of you.

1. Define the other person.

Imagine the one, on whom you consider yourself to be dependent or who overfills all your emotions. Most people will imagine a relative or a lover.

2. Feel that you are connected to this person.

Imagine that this person is standing next to you. If you do not see internal images, just “feel” and pretend that this happens. Imagine touching this person, feeling his presence next to you. Analyze what you feel when you’re next to him. Pay a special attention to the feeling of full connection with this person. Now take a look at what provides you with the feeling of this connection. Perhaps you feel that you are connected physically? Maybe it is a direct connection between your bodies, or maybe you are connected with a cord or in some other way? Pay attention to the place where this connection is happening. Many people feel it in their stomach (gut feeling), chest or groin. Fully sense this connection and analyze how it looks like and what do you feel.

3. Temporary independence.

Now try to break this connection even for a second. What do you feel? To do that, imagine that your hand became as sharp as a razor and you are cutting off or breaking the connecting cord… Most people feel highly uncomfortable at this part. This means that this connection has played a significant part in their lives. Right now, you don’t need to actually sever the connection just yet, since you have not yet found it a serious replacement. It is just another step in your process of spiritual healing.

4. Find a positive goal.

Ask yourself: “What do I really want from this person? Will it bring me satisfaction?” Then ask yourself: “What benefit will this actually bring me?” Keep asking yourself this question until you reach the core of the answer. It may be a feeling of confidence, safety, security, love, or self-worth…

5. Develop your evolutionary “Higher Self”.

Now turn to the right (or left if you wish) and create a full 3D image of yourself, but a version of yourself that has surpassed your current level. This is still you, but you that have surpassed you in development. This Higher You is capable of fixing the problems that you are currently facing. It loves you and values you, and wants to raise you up and protect you. It can give you what you actually want – what we found in the fourth stage. You can pay attention to how your Higher Self moves, it’s facial expressions and the sound of the voice. You can touch this image of your Higher Self, to feel how he feels like. It is a more advances and experienced you. If you cannot see yourself, try to feel it. Some people feel warmth or see light that surrounds their more improved double.

6. Transform the connection with the other person into the connection with Higher Self.

Take another look at the person with whom you’re connected. See and feel the connection that exists between you two. Then quickly cut the cord that connects you and quickly connect to your Higher Self. Or move the image of that person somewhere else and put your Higher Self in his place. The new connection should look the same as the old one. Enjoy the feeling of dependency on someone on whom you can always rely on: yourself. Thank your Higher Self for being here with you. From now on, you have a companion that will lead you into the future, guiding you on the road ahead and protecting you.

7. Respect for the other person.

Look back at the person with whom you were connected. Take a glance at the cords that you cut. Make sure that this person has the ability to restore this connection by attaching it onto himself. If the cord that connected you both reached out from his bellybutton, now imagine how it returns to his heart. If there were no connecting cords between you before, imagine that this person is connecting to his own evolutionary Higher Self, just like what happened to you right now. This will allow you to see and understand that this person also won from you cutting the cords between you, as he gained a fuller sense of his inner personality. Feel how your relationship with him had benefited from this act as well.

8. Strengthening your connection with your Higher Self.

Now once again return to your evolutionary Higher Self, with whom you are now connected. Step into it and take a look at yourself from that position. Feel what it means to be creative, to appreciate yourself and belong to yourself. After you have fully enjoyed this new sensation, return to your rightful place, bringing this feeling with you.

9. Imagine the future.

Pay attention to what will change if you imagine that the cords connecting you to other people are much more solid. Imagine how you are transporting yourself into the future, having your Higher Self as your companion. You can feel how your evolutionary Higher Self easily overcoming the difficulties that are standing on your path.

There is no magic in this method, but there is significant power. Just believe that the best way to attract an individual is to give him a full freedom. This is important to remember for the jealous types, who are always trying to control their loved ones and are afraid of losing them. The strong fear of losing someone usually exists in people who have suffered through a separation from their parents in a childhood or felt a lack of parental love, nurture and warmth. These people try to compensate the lack of love and care in their lives through romantic relationships. Unfortunately, as a result the excessively close emotional connections become tense and unbearable for both partners.

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