Practice for Letting Go: Emotional Detachment

(Release From Attachments)


A great deal of relationships I’ve worked with is built upon the similar principle: codependency and attachment. I will repeat it one more time: this kind of relationships are destructive in its nature. They lack future and missing the healthy base. When we attached to someone so much, we lose an enormous amount of energy and give away particles of our Soul, leaving ourselves empty in the process. THERE IS NOT EVEN A HINT OF LOVE IN THIS KIND OF UNION. Stop fooling yourself and taking a wish for reality. Sooner or later the thin veil of illusions will collapse and this disappointment can be quite painful.


If you already consciously decided to get out of this vicious circle, I am going to share with you the best and the most effective practice to let go of something or someone, to untie an emotional and mental knot, and to get rid of attachments.

Healthy Relationships


Take 3 candles (it doesn’t matter how they look like or where they are from, the most important thing here is the fire element). Find a quiet place, so you can do your sacred job in peace. The cleanse can manifest even on physical level. In a room, get yourself comfortable and place a bowl filled with water by your side.


Take the 1st candle and light it up as a sign of FORGIVENESS to the person you would like to detach from. Close your eyes. Take a deep breath and with an exhale imagine your partner standing right in front of you. Tell him the reason you are so attached to him and why do you love him so much, which one of his qualities attract you. After that, slowly mentally visualise your whole relationship situation, including negative and unpleasant moments. Say the words of forgiveness deep from your heart, cleansing and dissolving emotional blocks at the same time. In this phase, the most important task is to accept everything. “Everything that happened did so for a reason and for the best. It was needed for my spiritual grows…”


Light the 2nd candle for a GRATITUDE. In a confident voice pronounce the words of genuine gratitude for the mirroring the lessons that you haven’t passed yet, for the гыуагд experience, etc. It is very important to understand that you are being grateful. Gratitude is an act of filling a void (after the Cleanse) with Love. Send your partner a luminous emerald stream of your love from the heart, remembering three of the most amazing moments you shared together. Tell this person how grateful you are for having had him in your life, for those feelings he gifted you, for those words he spoke to you. Remember the best of what united both of you, what made you happy in this relationship, and thank him for it, wishing him happiness and freedom.


Light the 3rd candle to LET GO. It is a transmission of energy that doesn’t belong to you, but to the person you are working with. To Let Go is not telling goodbye to the person and not a magic ritual. It is a state of exchange of Energy of Love between both of you. Perhaps you will end up splitting up or maybe your relationship will move to a different level of awareness. This is a matter of your mutual choice.


Tell your partner how difficult it is for you to discard the love you feel for him, but it is necessity for you to let him go off your heart. Taking a deep breath, imagine and feel how with every exhalation he steps to the left, into your past.


Say aloud:
“You have your own path, I have my own path”

You give him freedom knowing that if this partner is truly YOURS, then he will be back into your life.


“You have your own path, I have my own path”

Inhaling and exhaling, allowing him to leave your life and your heart. You are simply observing how your partner becoming a part of your past, moving farther away to the left and back.


Repeat a third time:
“You have your own path, I have my own path”

and now read the


Prayer for Letting Go:


I let you go, shall the Higher forces decide our destiny.

I let you go along with all your love that you gave me

I let you go with all the good that happened between us:

With joyful moments of happiness, with understanding and moments of love.

I let you go with your love.

I let you go with all your flaws and weaknesses, that drove me so mad.

I let you go with our arguments and misunderstandings, the dissatisfaction with each other.

I let you go with your insults and your hurtful words and actions.

I confidently and calmly let go of you, who made me suffer so much, and you, who loved me.

I let you go with love.

I let you go, I let you go, I let you go.

Bless you. And may the Higher Powers decide your fate.

I let myself go, let go of all my expectations and hopes that everything will change for the better in our relationship.

I let myself go with all my experiences, sufferings and offences, with all the pain that you inflicted on me, and the pain that I myself came up with.

Now I am free from all of this, I let you go and I won’t hold you anymore as I did before.

I let you go and I will not hope anymore that everything will change.

I let you go fearlessly and calmly.

I let myself go freely and easily.

I am not going to wait any longer nor for you, nor for the future.

I am going to leave it all in the past.

Everything that was and everything that could have been.

I will leave us in the past.

I am free form the past.

Today I will forget about you and about myself.

Because today, right now, I feel a real, easy and joyous freedom from the past and the future.

Today, right now, I am starting a new life.

I will simply act to make the world and life better.

And let the Higher Powers decide my destiny.

Today, right now, I start a new life from scratch.

After all, at last I am free to be myself.

I will just give love and joy to those around me.

I will help those who can be helped.

I will act freely, joyfully and easily.

And Love will find me.

May the Higher Powers decide my destiny.

And so it is! Amen!


To finish it, take a pencil in your hand, place a blank white sheet of paper in front of you and think about the person you detached from once again. Listen and feel the sensations in your body: are there still any other zones of tension, of attachments? If yes, where is this attachment located on this sheet? Draw it there in the form of a dot, a circle or any other shape you think most clearly represent this attachment. Have you drawn it? Now, set fire to the paper in this place, so that the attachment you draw is burnt. Throw the burning paper into the bowl filled with water.




An indicator of a job done well will be an absolutely neutral attitude towards a person. You will not care anymore about how he expresses himself, and whether he does it at all. Even if in a couple of days you suddenly find out that he has become fabulously rich, received a senior position at work or married to Miss Universe, you will not be devastated by mixed emotions, pain and emotional irritation.


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