How to Forgive Yourself


To forgive other people is a necessity for your own well-being, but it is much more important to learn to forgive yourself. All those conflicts that have ever existed in your life – they develop between you and yourself. When you get rid of the division in your heart and consciousness, when you accept parts of you that cause you pain, embarrassment and disappointment, you will receive a chance to see and feel your True Self. And from the eyes of your real self, you will be able to see the world without drama, hate and fears.


A Practice to Forgive Yourself in All Your Incarnations.


We all know how important is to accept and to love yourself, because only when you learn how to love and accept yourself you will be able to do something greater: love and accept others.


Currently, there is a huge amount of techniques, affirmations, and meditations directed towards improving self-esteem and self-love, however, they rarely give the desired results or, when they do, the effect is short-term and everything settles back.


On the deepest level, the hatred for yourself originates from the recognition of errors committed in the past, most often in past incarnations. After all, we are all eternal souls and for our subconscious mind there is no difference between past lives and the current one, it is like watching the days go by.

Healthy Relationships

The fact that we are not able to remember our past lives is a protective mechanism that starts with the new birth, because how would we be able to live now if we remembered all the bad things that we had done? Or if we kept our previous attachments? We wouldn’t be able to develop further, be trapped in the past.


But the lack of memories on a conscious level does not mean we don’t remember anything on a subconscious level. Far from that, deep inside we know where mistakes were made, a disharmonious manifestation, rudeness, cruelty, especially with regards to people who were sincere towards us and wished us well. Guilt and shame are the most common reasons for past lives memories, guilt for what you did or what you didn’t do and the shame for who you are. I talk about it in my Past Life Regression workshops.


From understanding on a subconscious level of our injustice, already in this life we experience regret and non-acceptance of ourselves, of some of our qualities, which manifested in our past incarnations. As a result, many are tormented by a constant sense of guilt without a logical explanation. And a person implements various self-destruction programs because he considers himself not worthy of happiness and love, and hates himself.


This deep subconscious program of non-acceptance and self-loathing can be changed only if we accept and forgive ourselves in all our incarnations.


How to do it?


There is a simple, but effective technique that helps to work with the subconscious mind and gradually change deep programs and beliefs.


For 40 days (without missing days and taking breaks) with your left hand (it does not matter whether you are right-handed or left-handed, the left hand has a connection with our right brain and subconscious mind), you need to write on a sheet of paper the following:


“I apologise to everyone and forgive everyone for everything that happened. I apologise for all my thoughts, emotions, feelings, perceptions and deeds to all living beings in all my incarnations.

I forgive myself for all my thoughts, emotions, feelings, perceptions and actions towards myself and towards other living beings in all my incarnations.

I forgive, totally and completely love, accept and approve myself in all of my incarnations.”


If you feel an inner need, you can also ask forgiveness from your Kin and forgive yourself for your dishonest behaviour towards your Kin in all your incarnations and, also ask all living beings to forgive your Kin in all their incarnations.


After writing, the sheet of paper must be burnt and the ashes must be either dispersed into the wind, rinsed with water or given to the ground.


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